Make a lasting impression with the Deluxe Message Origami Rose bouquet. The Deluxe Message Origami Paper Rose Bouquet includes a message on one or all of the 12 origami roses. Express your personal custom message (maximum of 30 characters which includes spaces for each message which can be place in the center or petal of any or all of the origami roses.) Please Contact Us with your message when ordering. The Deluxe Message Origami Rose Bouquet contains 12 (18" long) origami paper roses and is filled with a generous amount artificial baby's breath, added artificial greens and is arranged in a white ceramic vase (vase color and style subject to change). You must select the style of the paper rose and its color for your Deluxe Origami Rose Bouquet.Please email us with the details that would help us design a unique message bouquet for your special someone.